Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ildri's Great-Grandfather

Ildri's Great-Grandfather, John, passed away on September 13th.  I have always looked to him as a shining example of how one should live their life.  I could go on and on about my Grandfather, but I will try to be brief.  I would just like to point out some of Grandpa's qualities that I hope to have as a parent.
  • He always made me feel important, no matter how young I was.  Every one's voice was always given equal weight at my Grandparent's home.
  • He loved his wife, Jane, so dearly and made that clear to her and everyone else.  I have long admired their marriage and hope that I can always treat my spouse with the same adoration and respect that Grandpa and Grandma treated one another with.
  • He made his family his first priority.  
  • He spoke with honesty and sentimentality.  He had conviction behind all his words.
  • He had passion for life - not only his own, but for each person he encountered.  I think this is why he made such an impression on people.  He truly cared about his fellow man.
Again, I could continue on for pages with my admirations for my Grandpa.  But I'll leave it at those observations above, and a promise that Ildri will hear Dr. Seuss's "Happy Birthday To You" at each birthday.  And whenever she wants to hear it.  And I will do my best to follow his example in a passion for life so that I might share that joy with my daughter.

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