Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dave's first Father's Day

For Father's Day we packed up and headed to Sumner, Iowa, to spend time with family and introduce Ildri to her Great Grandpa John, Great Grandma Jane, Great Aunt Julia and Great Uncle Bes.  We had a lot of fun while we were there, but on our way home we learned that we always need to double-check the contents of the diaper bag before any leg of a trip.  

Ildri and her Grandparents

We would have never made it through our epic move from Chicago to Iowa without Grandpa Bob and Grandma Gert.  In between packing and unpacking, we even let them spend some time with their granddaughter.

Ildri is one month old!

Our little darlin' is now one month old!  She's beginning to lose some of her dark hair, and we still think she's going to be a blondie at some point.  

Friday, June 5, 2009

Daddy-Daughter Time

I love awake time!

My favorite time in these first few days of mommyhood have definitely been when Ildri is awake and alert.  She just stares at me with the deepest indigo-colored eyes, as if to say "oh, that's what you look like from the outside".  It doesn't matter how tired I am, I become mesmerized by these moments.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My 9-pound boss

Everyone tells you that life is going to change completely, but there's no way of comprehending that fact until it's staring you in the face.