Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ildri is Two Months Old!

Our beautiful Ildri is now two months old. 

New developments:

She is about thirteen pounds and almost 25 inches.  Yep, she's a chunker.

She tracks movement very well and has fallen in love with her toy peacock.  
She finds her hand delicious.
Sleeping at night can go for up to seven miraculous hours. 
She is an expert bubble maker and a proficient drooler.

Enjoy the pictures!  I caught a good smile and some great tummy time.

Pattern Fascination

Ildri is now fascinated with bright patterns.  We found this out when she became enraptured with her Boppy.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mirror, Mirror...

Ildri has discovered herself in the mirror - a wonderful moment for both her and her mommy.  I didn't take the time to tell her what Jacques Lacan would say about her discovery, since I was much too busy enjoying the show.  

Though I missed filming her initial reaction, which consisted of big grins, I did catch her conversation with the the reflection.  

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cloth Diapers

When we decided to venture into cloth diapering, I never imagined there would be so many options.  Luckily, we have some good friends who have tested the waters and tried out a lot of different kinds of diapers and let us know what worked for them.  We've started with indian prefolds and an assortment of covers: dappi pants, thirsties, proraps, and a couple kinds of bummis covers.  We use snappi fasteners instead of pins, and we've been pretty happy with the results.  If you want to see all of these different kinds of diapers, cotton babies is a fantastic website to reference.

Our friends also gave us some all-in-one diapers, which are very convenient, but somewhat of an investment.  After we found out that Ildri DESPISES being even the tinest bit wet, we've decided to get some more all-in-ones which wick away a good amount of moisture. 

The first set of pictures are of Ildri with a bummis super brite cover and then a bum genius all-in-one.  The last three are of her in an indian prefold with a snappi, a thirsties cover, and the finished product: a dry and content baby!  

Smiley Baby!

Ildri is starting to give us some amazing smiles.  Of course, they never happen when the camera's out, but we've captured a few waning ones.  Enjoy!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our Giant Baby

Ildri saw the pediatrician today to be weighed - we have been tracking her growth closely since Mom has had problems with her milk supply.  She had been weighed four times before we left Chicago: she was 9 pounds, 3 ounces at birth; 8 pounds, 13 ounces when we left the hospital; 9 pounds during her 1 week check-up and 9 pounds, 5 ounces at almost 2 weeks old.  Today, our 5-week-old darling daughter weighed in at 11 pounds, 15 ounces.  Wow.  She's also 22.5 inches long, putting her in the 95th percentile for weight, and the 90th percentile for length.

The best news was that we no longer have to wake Ildri up for feedings every 3 hours.  Mom and Dad are looking forward to a little more sleep (fingers crossed).